Dogwood Doodlebugs Non-breeding Contract and Health Warranty
The following conditions apply to the sale of the following puppy: Description Of Dog: The puppy sold pursuant to the terms of this agreement is as follows: Type of puppy: _______________________ Sex:___ D.O.B.: ___________________ Color: ___________________________Microchip #_________________________________ Dam: _____________________ Sire: _________________ Conditions Of Sale: Seller guarantees that at the time of delivery, the puppy is in excellent health. Puppies are checked by our veterinarian at approximately 6 weeks. Should the puppy be found to be in poor health of a life threatening nature based on an evaluation performed by a qualified veterinarian within 72 hours of the buyer taking possession of the puppy, Seller will provide Buyer with a replacement puppy of equal value from another litter. This will likely not occur immediately as we typically have puppies promised to families months in advance. Consideration will be given to full refund of the purchase price of the puppy. Shipping fees will not be refunded. Dogwood Doodlebugs administers preventative treatment for parasites prior to the puppy leaving the premises. Because parasites are common and extremely easy for a puppy to acquire, Dogwood Doodlebugs cannot guarantee against parasites including, but not limited to, roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, coccidia, and giardia. * The Buyer has Three (3) days from the time of receipt of dog to have dog examined by a Veterinarian. Any request to return the puppy to the Seller for a full refund must be made within this time period and may only be requested should the puppy prove to be sick upon arrival. Proof of examination must be provided. * We genetically test our breeding dogs for genetic diseases/conditions to avoid future issues. We provide a warranty against these conditions until dog is two years of age. A dog who carries one copy of a specific mutation will not be affected by the mutation as it requires two copies to be affected. There are certain traits that will show up in genetic testing that don’t define a dog as a carrier or affected. IVDD is a genetic disorder that largely affects dogs with the body structure similar to that of a Dachshund or Corgi. Studies show that the majority of poodles carry one or more copies of IVDD and are not affected because they do not have the “hot dog” body structure. Dogs can carry two copies of IVDD and not be affected. We have been advised that IVDD has not proven to cause issues in poodles. Breed Specific Genetic Testing- Each breed is tested for different genetic mutations. Different breeds carry different mutations. The genetic disorders that are covered under this guarantee for each breed are as follows… Goldendoodles- PRCD-PRA, vWd1, GR-PRA1, ICH, DM, GRPRA2, AND NEWS(Neonatal Encephalopathy with Seizures) Bernedoodles-VWD1, PRA-PRCD, PRCD, NEWS, GM2, DM, MDR1, MDR1, SLC13A1 Sheepadoodles-MDR1, VFW, TUBB1 EXON 1, PRDC, PCD, GM2, NEWS, DNM1, SLC13A1 We guarantee that no puppy will carry two copies of any of these breed specific traits listed above. Two copies of one of these traits indicates that the puppy does indeed have this genetic disorder or are “affected” and will likely suffer symptoms at some point in their life. We test our parent dogs so that two dogs who carry the same genetic disease trait above are not bred together. Defects included in the warranty that require surgical interventions will allow for a total reimbursement to the buyer for up to 50% of the purchase price over the 2 year warranty period. Reimbursement will be granted for genetic hip/eye defects or life threatening genetic issues that we have the ability to test for (listed above with breed specific testing). The condition must be proven to be genetic. Under no circumstance will Dogwood Doodlebugs reimburse for more than a total of 50% of the purchase price of the puppy. Surgeries can be costly, so we do recommend pet insurance for at minimum the first two years of the puppy’s life. This is when injuries/occurrences are most likely to happen such as falls, fractures due to clumsiness/other reasons, ingestion of foreign objects, and more. Although we test parent dogs, there is still a possibility of issues arising. We strive to produce the most healthy puppies possible by testing the parent dogs based on recommended testing for their breed/size. Despite extensive testing, incidents can occur. It’s unlikely, but not impossible. Because they are out of our control, we do not cover congenital or developmental defects. We reserve the right to request a second opinion prior to any type of reimbursement. Dogwood Doodlebugs must be notified as soon as there is suspicion that there may be a genetic defect/issue. Dogwood Doodlebugs will not reimburse for issues after intervention/treatment has occurred. Dogwood Doodlebugs reserves the right to seek a second opinion prior to intervention/treatment. If therapy/supplements(joint or other)/other non-invasive measures are recommended prior to surgical intervention, Dogwood Doodlebugs requires therapy/supplements(joint or other)/other non-invasive actions occur prior to surgical/invasive intervention. Surgery/invasive intervention should be last resort as it is more stressful for the dog than therapy/supplements/non-invasive actions and have proven to be very helpful-especially prior to closure of growth plates. It's not uncommon for the baby teeth of puppies not to align perfectly. Base narrow canines are very common in poodle crosses as well as other breeds. Improper bites typically correct themselves and allow the permanent teeth to grow in properly. We are unable to guarantee teeth will properly align. Our breeding dogs have good bites. Significant bite imperfections that are discovered by our veterinarian will be disclosed by the seller. There are multiple ailments including (but not limited to) carcinomas, lymphomas, adenomas, Addison’s disease, and so much more that cannot be detected by genetic testing. Because of this, the health guarantee will not cover anything other than the breed specific disorders that are listed on this page of this contract beside the name of the specific breed. This warranty will be terminated immediately if the dog is not examined within the allotted 72 hours from the time the buyer takes possession. Dogwood Doodlebugs cannot guarantee exact breed percentages. We genetically test the breed type for each of our parent dogs OR have AKC lineage. The genetic lab we utilize does advise there is room for error in breed type testing. If less that 5% of another breed shows to be present in this test, we consider it negligible due to room for error. Also, the offspring of that specific dog should show much less than that percentage or none at all.
* A warranty for Hip Dysplasia is provided for two years. This warranty will be terminated should dog be allowed to live primarily on hardwood floors, climb stairs, become overweight or developing joints be overstressed at any point during the first year. This warranty will be void if a dog is neutered or spayed prior to 9 months of age. Should dog be found to have Hip Dysplasia within its first two years, Buyer must provide Seller with proof in the form of documentation from PennHIP or OFA. Radiographs taken before 1 year of age or within 2 months of a heat cycle will not be accepted. We reserve the right to confirm the results before a replacement or refund is provided. Veterinary medical records will be required showing the weight of dog and veterinarian’s assessment of the weight. We reserve the right to confirm the results before a replacement or refund is provided. Should results from OFA /PennHIP indicate that an injury may have occurred that caused or contributed to the issue, no reimbursement or replacement will be provided. The same guidelines apply for the hip warranty as the other portion of this contract describing the process of exercising the genetic warranty. * All puppies are sold on a STRICT NON-BREEDING contract. Buyer agrees to spay or neuter this dog by 14 months of age at buyer's expense. We recommend neutering male dogs at 12 months of age. Studies have proven that early neutering can increase the risk of hip dysplasia due the change in hormones. Please speak with your vet about timing for your puppy. Proof of spay/neuter must be from a certified Veterinary Hospital, on paper, showing the pet’s description, breed & Microchip number. If proof is not received, Breeder's 2-year warranty against genetic disorders will be null and void. Failure to honor the spay/neutered conditions of this contract can result in the Breeder reclaiming the dog without compensation to the buyer and/or a $28000 fee will be charged. If puppies are produced, a minimum of $2000 per puppy is owed to Dogwood Doodlebugs, LLC. If buyer transfers ownership to another party, this contract is still enforceable. The original buyer is responsible to ensure the spay/neuter of the puppy. Unless breeding rights are discussed and purchased, the dog is to never be bred by the original purchaser or any other person. The original purchaser is legally responsible for making sure this does not occur. If necessary, legal action will be taken to collect damages and Buyer will be responsible for all legal fees. * Buyer agrees to return dog to Seller, or allow Seller to re-home dog/puppy should it become necessary at ANY point during its life. Our goal is to place our puppies in their "forever home". We do understand extenuating circumstances may arise. In the event the buyer cannot keep/maintain the dog at any time, we will rehome the dog. The rehoming price will be given to the buyer minus a minimum $500 fee(to cover various expenses/time) and the original deposit amount. *Dogwood Doodlebugs does not guarantee the adult size, color or temperament of any puppy. Personality traits are largely impacted by the environment(s) they are exposed to. Because of this, we are not responsible for the behavior of the puppy/dog after it leaves our home. If you have concerns of how the puppy is interacting with your family, we highly advise that you seek professional help from a professional trainer. We highly recommend Baxter & Bella. * Under no circumstances shall the Seller be liable to the Buyer or to any third party for any consequential, incidental or special damages resulting from or in a manner related to the puppy/dog. * Upon execution of this contract all veterinary care and its associated costs are the sole and exclusive Responsibility of the buyer.
Maintenance: Buyer agrees to maintain this puppy/dog in good health, provide routine preventative health care including, but not limited to, Vaccinations, Internal and External Parasites, Heartworm prevention and any other preventative medication Vet feels is needed. Veterinary records must be provided to breeder if requesting refund or replacement. If any of the above preventative care has not been provided, health warranty will be void. Full And Final Agreement : Both Buyer and Seller agree that this Contract represents the entire Agreement between them and that no other representations have been made regarding the puppy described above.