The Fellas
Below, you will find our Doodle daddies! We are very selective of which dogs can be a part of our breeding program.
For stud service info, scroll to the bottom of the page.
For stud service info, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Leo is a 7 lb mini poodle. He is merle parti with two blue eyes! He has tan accents on his ears/eyebrows. Leo is Echo's full brother Leo has completed and passed all of his health testing. Eme KBky(likely KBr) atat Bb Ssp/spsp Mm F/IC |
Echo is a 9 lb mini poodle. He is merle parti with two blue eyes! Echo is Leo's full brother. Echo has completed and passed all of his health testing! Eme KBky ata Bb Mm spsp |
We offer stud services to like-minded breeders. To qualify, you must provide proof that adequate health testing has been performed on your bitch to include genetics, hips, elbows, patellas, heart, and eyes.
You must abide by our stud service agreement.
If you are an ethical breeder and are interested in services from one of our boys, please email us after carefully reading our stud service contract.
You must abide by our stud service agreement.
If you are an ethical breeder and are interested in services from one of our boys, please email us after carefully reading our stud service contract.